Build it Back - Hurricane Sandy
Community Housing Recovery
Brooklyn, NY

Working in the storm-hit neighborhoods of Gerritsen Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Coney Island and Seagate, Cycle has prepared designs for the elevation and reconstruction of one and two family residences as part of NYC’s Build it Back program. Cycle’s work as a part of a design/build team has included design of new foundations and repairs to homes scheduled to be lifted, and design for the reconstruction of several homes that were in too poor condition to be raised.

Many homes were located on small or unusually configured sites that required approvals from the Board of Standards and Appeals.

Improvements to existing homes included better insulation, air sealing, and more efficient mechanical systems. New homes were designed to meet Energy Star requirements, and feature substantial insulation, high-performance windows, and efficient mechanical systems. The work proceeded in a highly compressed time frame, with rapid deadlines for design and agency approvals.